Katosi Women Development Trust (KWDT) is a registered Non-Governmental Organization. KWDT currently brings together 691 members organised in 29 women groups with 88% female covering 4 sub counties of Mpunge, Mpatta, Nakisunga, Nama, and Katosi, Ntenjeru- Kisoga Town council in Mukono District in Uganda. Their vision is to empower women to eliminate poverty and rebuild healthy communities, and their mission is to enable peasant women KWDT to initiate and effectively manage their own social, economic, and political development processes for development.
Interventions by KWDT through women’s groups serve as an entry point for serving the wider community. The Economic Empowerment program supports women to engage in economic activities, while access to clean safe water, sanitation and improvement of hygiene has enabled communities to live health and productive lives. Support to formal and non-formal education, has increased access to primary education while knowledge and skills development has placed women into civil and political leadership and in decision making process to enable them manage their own development processes. The environmental conservation program is to ensure that conservatory and restoration practices are integrated in the programs to contribute to sustainable development.
KWDT has received multiple awards for their work including the Rio+ 20 Women Good Practice Awards during the 2012 Rio+ Summit, and the third Kyoto Word Water Grand Prize, during the 6th World Water Forum.