Andrew Gemmell has an Master’s in Hydrology and has been an environmental consultant since 2009. Through an understanding of soil and water chemistry, Andrew has been involved in various soil, surface water and groundwater contamination assessments from desktop assessments all the way up to remediation planning and implementation, and contaminant fate and transport modelling. Andrew has also got extensive experience in a range of hydrological investigations, with an understanding of the potential impacts of watercourse flows on developments, the impact of developments on watercourses and the associated mitigation/management measures. From 2019 to 2021 Andrew worked as an Affiliate Consultant for the United Nations Environment Programme, coordinating the activities related to the World Water Quality Assessment pilot use case approach (focused on the Lake Victoria and Volta River basins).

Gemma Bluff
Gemma Bluff is an Environmentalist and Climatologist at Umvoto Africa.