Busiswa is from Griffith Mxenge in Khayelitsha, where she has been a resident for more than 20 years. In 2019, Busiswa initiated a cleaning project in her neighbourhood along with four other ladies. This project developed as she noticed that the conditions outside a local primary school were unsafe for the children. There was broken glass, plastic (which would block storm water drains) as well as flies, rats and mosquitos. Busiswa felt that she could not sit and do nothing and felt determined to do help solve this problem. She has since helped lad various clean-ups in the area. With the help of some collaborators, such as Help Up and TUF, Busi’s dream for these areas has grown, with there being plans to plant trees and maintain parks in the area, to make Khayelitsha a beautiful place to live. Busi believes strongly that sonke singeza umehluko (together we can make a difference).

Vivienne Thomson
Vivienne Thomson is the founder and lead environmental consultant of